bgd.layers.fc module

class bgd.layers.fc.FullyConnected(n_in, n_out, copy=False, with_bias=True, dtype=<class 'numpy.float32'>, initializer=<bgd.initializers.GlorotUniformInitializer object>, bias_initializer=<bgd.initializers.ZeroInitializer object>)[source]

Bases: bgd.layers.layer.Layer

Fully connected (dense) neural layer. Each output neuron is a weighted sum of its inputs with possibly a bias.

  • n_in (int) – Number of input neurons.

  • n_out (int) – Number of output neurons.

  • copy (bool) – Whether to copy layer output.

  • with_bias (bool) – Whether add a bias to output neurons.

  • dtype (type) – Type of weights and biases.

  • initializer (bgd.initializers.Initializer) – Initializer of the weights.

  • bias_initializer (bgd.initializers.Initializer) – Initializer of the biases.


Matrix of weights.




Vector of biases.




Wrapped method for applying a backward pass on input X.


Wrapped method for applying a forward pass on input X.


Retuns a tuple containing the parameters of the layer. If layer is non-learnable, None is returned instead. The tuple can have a size > 1 for convenience. For example, a convolutional neural layer has one array for the filters weights and one array for the biases.


Update parameters: base class has no learnable parameters. Subclasses that are learnable must override this method.


delta_fragments (tuple) – Tuple of NumPy arrays. Each array is a parameter update vector and is used to update parameters using the following formula: params = params - delta_fragment. The tuple can have a size > 1 for convenience. For example, a convolutional neural layer has one array to update the filters weights and one array to update the biases: weights = weights - delta_fragments[0] biases = biases - delta_fragments[1]